# Creating Tasks

  • WALLET_ID -> The wallet ID of the address you want to buy tokens with
  • CONTRACT_OR_SLUG -> Collection's contract or name
  • MAX_COST -> Max budget you are willing to spend per token
  • ORDERS_LIMIT -> Max successful transactions you are aiming to get

(Fields not included above follow the same rules as contract minting tasks)

# How to run multiple collections per task:

  • CONTRACT_OR_SLUG -> token_contract_1=max_cost_1,token_contract_2=max_cost_2
  • MAX_COST -> whatever you input here won't matter, as each contract would have its price.

# Warnings

Multiple collections can only be ran using their contracts.

# Suggestions

Would suggest running multiple collections per task, instead of running more tasks to avoid rate limits. Also same addresses you're using to snipe, shouldn't be used on metamask and shouldn't be making transactions outside bot, since that could affect account nonce to change.