# What is the Priority Fee?

The priority fee incentivizes the miner or validator to prioritize your transaction.

The higher it will be the higher your chances will be, but remember that a lower priority fee could save you $ depending on base fee.

But also remember it will give you less chances to get included, because miners will always pick up transactions of whoever pays more.

# Setup & Example

Priority fee shouldn't be higher than GAS_FEE (max fee)
Priority fee shouldn't be higher than GAS_FEE (max fee)

This way, if block requires between 250 and 50 base fee to get included, your transaction should get included. Let's say it required 70 base fee, you will end up paying the fee based on 70 gwei, instead of your chosen maximum of 250.

If the block required 100 as base fee though, and every transaction pending has an higher priority than yours, your transaction will most likely not get mined and your transaction will remain pending until next block.

# Tips

If you want to run the old method just leave this field blank. That way priority fee will match Gas fee.

Matching GAS_FEE with PRIORITY_FEE is extremely suggested for really hyped drops where you want to speed up your transaction based on max fee